Shaping tomorrow’s industrial data economy together.
Companies generate large amounts of data in their production, but sometimes do not know how to use it effectively. With the help of artificial intelligence, information from processed data can be analyzed and significant added value can be revealed, promoting the development of new products, services and business models.
The AI Living Lab supports companies in using data profitably in the long term and strengthens innovative, trustworthy and secure data exchange in the industry.
Using the example of the “Collaborative Condition Monitoring” (CCM) use case of the Platform Industry 4.0, we will demonstrate how AI can be used to develop a service-based business model through cross-company data exchange.
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News & Events
Next Event: AI Monday Chapter NRW
Together with KI.NRW and the AI Community OWL, we present the activities of the AI scene in NRW and especially in the field of quantum technology.
25. January 2021 | MS Teams Event | Infos & Registration on Eventbrite
The open data platform for the application of artificial intelligence in Industrie4.0
The AI Reallabor, funded by the BMWi, is an open, virtual and real association of companies and AI experts for the joint solution of challenges from industry with the help of artificial intelligence methods. The KI Reallabor was initiated by the Plattform Industrie 4.0 and Fraunhofer IOSB-INA.
Find solutions for your digital questions as a company. As an AI expert, find data that you have needed for a long time. And as an observer and interested party, help shape the conditions under which artificial intelligence can develop its greatest benefits in German industry.

Success stories
I would like to be part of it…
A company that wants to solve a problem in its own business with AI
Artificial intelligence methods already offer high added value for industry. Whether early detection of wear and tear, increasing throughput, optimising energy consumption or reducing quality problems – many industrial applications have already been successfully implemented. As a company, would you also like to benefit from the possibilities of artificial intelligence?
We bring AI technologies to you in six steps:
Unstructured data
Most companies do not have structured data.
Standardization via administration shell
Using technologies that support interoperability, your data is first prepared so that it can be further processed.
Structured data sets
Through this Industrie 4.0 compliant standardization, you can benefit in many ways. Your data will be structured and machine-readable, you can network machinery plants and use AI algorithms.
platform AI Living Lab
Your data can thus be brought onto the AI Living Lab platform and processed there by AI experts.
The results provide you with valuable optimization potentials, analyze errors or conditions and show potentials of data-based value creation for your operation.
The KI Reallabor also supports you in integrating these results into your company.
For Data Scientist in search of good data
As a researcher and data scientist, you are always on the lookout for good data to train algorithms you have developed yourself?
For this purpose, we provide high-quality data on the AI platform. This data comes from real production systems, either from real production at SmartFactoryOWL or from cooperating industrial companies. Data can come from object-oriented image data from assembly processes to plant parameters such as temperature curves or compressed air parameters. We make this data available unstructured, structured or labelled in the Industry 4.0 management shell and with meta information so that the data can be used more easily and without costly data engineering. You can find the data under our Kaggle account – the online portal for artificial intelligence.
We support you in developing exciting use cases and integrate your findings into our community.
For those who are interested in getting to know the KI Reallabor
The AI Reallabor is a platform for artificial intelligence in a testing space that is open to innovation. In order to harness the potential for German industry, open spaces are needed – open spaces in which applications can be tested and human intelligence can come together to design artificial intelligence in such a way that it is interoperable, sovereign and sustainable.
With these objectives in mind, use cases from the Industrie 4.0 platform are being tested in the AI Real Lab under real conditions. Experts from the Fraunhofer develop technologies and apply them. Industrial companies contribute their requirements and bring their own business and manufacturing processes into the AI reallab.
Cosmo Schwabedissen | Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
Two current use cases are mapped in the AI Real Lab in the first instance:
Collaborative condition monitoring in production
Cross-company data exchange within the value chain, consisting of component and machine suppliers as well as factory operators, should make it possible to improve the reliability and service life of components, machines and plants. On the way to an industrial data economy, the goal is to test further service-based business models.
Read here more about the use case of the Industrie 4.0 Platform
Smart product development and product optimisation through customer feedback
How can I integrate customer feedback into my product development using meaningful data analysis?
Further use cases will be integrated and addressed via companies and the Industry 4.0 platform in the AI Real Lab. Findings from the implementation and use of these technologies are documented and discussed with regulatory bodies – with the aim of creating framework conditions in the future under which research, industry, society and politics can best benefit from the possibilities of AI. Stay up to date and join the discussion in our AI Community..
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